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Poinsettia care
Care tips for maximum enjoyment
Keep soil moist, water thoroughly when soil is dry to touch.
Prefers bright defused sunlight, do not exposed to direct sunlight.
Place in a moderate temperature location.
Bright light and cool nights will help maintain brightly colored bracts.
Set plant on a saucer or dish to protect furniture from water.
Come visit our 8,000 square feet of greenhouse and garden center. Large varieties of bedding plants, perennials, mulch, potting soil and more. We grow our own plants with tender loving care. Choose from a variety of plants and flowers for all your bedding and ornamental garden needs. Visit us during every season, where you can see the beauty of nature evolving around you.
A variety of bright blooms fills our newest greenhouse, shown here in the top photo. Shown below is a view of our lush green plants. Our greenhouses are always filled with something new and beautiful for every season!
Caring for your plants in the summer heat is difficult, click here for some helpful hints.
Summer Garden Tips
We all love to get out in our gardens once the summer comes but if it’s very hot and dry our plants will soon suffer. Here are a few tips to keep your garden in pristine condition.
Water wisely
In-Ground Gardening: Rather than watering every day, it is much better to give your plants a thorough watering once a week. An inch of water a week is ideal. Try to avoid watering in the hot midday sun, morning is best for you and your plants since the temperature is lower. In the excessive heat you might need to water a few times a week, especially for newer plants, trees, and garden beds. Watch your plants for drooping/wilting and signs of stress and add a watering session if needed.
Container Gardening: Give extra care to containers. Annuals or perennials in pots or window boxes may need a deep soaking of water every day. If possible you may want to move them out of the sun. In the excessive heat watering twice a day will be necessary especially smaller pots, aim for morning and dusk. If you see the plants drooping/wilting, or in stress, add water immediately, don't wait for dusk or morning.
Look after new trees and shrubs
Any plants in the garden less than two years old will need extra water.
Add mulch
A protective layer of hardwood mulch is ideal to help keep your plants cool, it also helps to prevent weeds in your garden.
Lawn care
Your grass may turn brown when it is exposed to high temps for great lengths of time, but try not to worry; it should go green again when the rain comes and the temperature drops. It is also a good idea to allow your grass to be taller in the summer as the longer blades will help the soil retain moisture by shielding it from the sun.
Enjoy the harvest
Most of your fruit and veg should flourish in this weather, as long as you keep it well watered. However, it is important to remember to pay particular attention to the cool weather greens, such as lettuces and broccoli, as they will be struggling in the heat.
Weeds will steal precious nutrients and moisture from your plants and also attract pest and diseases so it is important to get rid of them as soon as you can.
Remember to look after yourself
Remember you need hydrating just like your plants, so ensure you drink lots of water in this heat and it’s a good idea to refrain from gardening in the midday heat, do your gardening first thing or in the evening when the temperature has dropped.